Friday 22 March 2019

Supersonics Self-Assessment

  • How you have improved since Term 1? How have you learnt from your mistakes?
  • What areas have you still struggled with?
  • Are you happy with the work you created for the whole Contemporary project?

I think I have improved with my work flow, I think I completed things in better time than last term. I have struggled with areas of theory such as recording concepts, where I struggle to understand the science of the technology within a studio. I am Happy with the work I've created and have gained some good work to add to a creative portfolio

  • What skills have you developed over the course of Term 2?
  • What is the technical or musical skill you are most proud of?
  • Logic skills: How developed are your skills? Where do you need to improve? Has this affected your work?
  • Compositional skills: knowledge of melody, harmony, rhythm, chords, keys, arrangement

During Term 2, I performed my assessed DJ set (a review of this is under the label 'DJ') where I had to practice at home and out of session times. This practice led me to move from a complete DJ beginner to a more adept level where I can produce a basic but good sounding using FX and Hi/Low pass's. I am the most proud of this skill set as DJ class was the area where I wanted the most improvement in last terms self-assessment.

In terms of my progress within logic, I have gained a lot of very useful skills and tips in areas like mixing and levelling which has improved the general sound of my work. Despite this, I believe there is still a good deal of things I still need to learn to mix and master at a professional level. My Compositional Skills have only grown from external revision at home this term as the session that would normally be a composition class was replaced with my making a music video class.

  • What problems did you experience in Term 1 (Decades)?
  • What did you do differently this time around (SuperSonics)?
  • Did you complete all of the work on time?
  • Did you spend too much time on one piece, to the detriment of others?
  • Did you make use of the access time that is available to you?
  • Are you happy with the music you submitted?

I experienced problems within work load management last term but this term did improve in this area and got most of the base work on time. I didn't spend too much time one piece and tried to use bookable rooms as much as possible. I was happy with work submitted

  • Did you improve your research methods in Term 2?
  • What areas did you need to research as part of this project?
  • Have you been able to bring these ideas into your work?
  • What have you learnt that you can apply to your future projects?

My research methods I believe did not need to improve as they were already at a good enough level. I needed to research trends within artist promotion and was able to note down these in order to further my own work through these devices. I learnt common promotion trends and patterns that could be helpful in promoting music for my FMP

  • Do you feel that the group project (SuperSonics Project playlist presented online) was successful?
  • Do you think we reached our target audience?
  • How we can improve in the future/what should we do differently?
  • What is your idea of the perfect way to present your individual music in Term 3

I feel like the group project was semi-successful, reaching out to a good general audience as there was versatility within the playlist but I feel some tracks were out of place. I think to improve in the future, there should be more communication between classmates so that the work we produce will all sit nicely with one another in the playlist

I think the perfect way to present individual music is to keep a recurring theme within the songs but with uniqe aspects involved that express the individuality of the tracks. This will need to involve talks and group chats to ensure the songs contain that theme

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CP: Final Product